Andante in D from Nuevo Metodo para Guitarra, 1843 Dionisio Aguado (1784-1849) ************************************************************************ this piece has been taken from Donald Sauter's definitive page - "The complete works of Dionisio Aguado" which provides an index to the 1994 Chantarelle edition of his works for guitar - more tabs + lots of other guitar info can be found via his home page - Donald's original tab was done in the spaces rather than on the lines (using "_" rather than "-" between the notes) - this is explained at - Weed - June 2001 - ***************************************************************************** "Study in Natural Harmonics This piece comes from Aguado's Nuevo Metodo para Guitarra, 1843 (Chanterelle v2/p82). The intent is not to propose this as the way harmonics should be notated. See my page on harmonics notation - In this case, though, tablature is surely the easiest way to read the piece. I've doubled the rhythm values, turning 2/4 into 4/4. It isn't clear what Aguado intended in measure 22 (counting partial measures). Other errors have been fixed without comment. He had a rough time with 3's and 5's." - Donald SauterAndante 6 = D. (All natural harmonics.) D. Aguado ____ ____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |.-| | |.-| ---|--------|--------|---12----|12-------|--------|--------------| ---|-------7|-7------|-7------7|---------|-------7|-7------7----7| ---|-------7|-----5--|-7-------|---------|-------7|---3----------| ---|-5---5--|-3-----7|----7-5--|---7----7|-5---5--|-3----3---3---| --5|---5----|-----3--|---------|-9---12--|---5----|--------------| ---|-4---4--|--------|------4-5|---------|-4---4--|--------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -----12--|--------||---|--------|12-------|--------|---------| ---7-----|--------||---|-----7--|---------|-7------|-7-------| -----12--|-------*||*--|-5---7--|---------|-----5--|-7-------| -5-7-----|-5-----*||*-7|---7---7|---7----7|-3-7---7|---7----7| -----12-9|---5----||---|-3------|-9---12--|-----3--|-----12--| -4-------|-4---12-||---|--------|---------|--------|---------| ___ _______ _______ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------|-----12--|--------------|------------|--------|-------12| -5---7--|---------|-7-5----------|------------|-------7|-7-------| -5------|-5-------|-7-----5------|------------|-------7|-----5---| ---7-3-7|---7----7|-----3---4---5|---3-------7|-5---5--|-3------7| --------|-3----9--|-----------3--|-4---3-4-5--|---5----|-----3---| --------|---------|--------------|------------|-4---4--|---------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ---12----|12---12--|--------|--------|-12--------|-12-------|| -7------7|---------|-------7|-7---7--|-12--------|----------|| -7------7|---------|-------7|-----7--|-12-5----12|-12------*|| ----7-5--|---7--7-7|-5---5--|-3-----5|-----------|----12-5-*|| ---------|-9----9--|---5----|-------5|------12--9|----------|| ------4--|---------|-4---4--|---5---4|-----------|-12----4--||